Dental Events In commencing  Thursday, 24 October, 2024

Dr Erika  Vinczer


Dr Erika Vinczer

BScDent (Hons), BDS (Adel), MDSc (Endo), FICD


Dr Erika Vinczer is the Practice owner and Endodontist at Endodontic Solutions. The practice aims to provide a positive customer experience through the core values of commitment to quality, trust, loyalty and ultimate dedication to patients' needs.

Erika's professional journey started at the age of 15, when she realised that a career path in the dental field was right for her. The ability to use her hands at work, attending to detail and a strong desire to help people in a scientifically based profession inspired her decision to commence undergraduate studies in dentistry. In 1991 Erika graduated from the University of Adelaide with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) and Bachelor of Science in Dentistry (Honours- Physiology) (BScDent-Hons) and thereupon commenced her career.

Her extensive career history has been significant in shaping her skill set, values and personality. Erika was appointed as an Army Dental Officer, serving in the military for 16 years, before venturing out on her own. She has worked and lived in Victoria, Brisbane, Sydney and various regional areas of Australia, as well as overseas, in the Solomon Islands. During that time her clinical experience was further enhanced by working in private practice.

Professional Biography