Dental Events In commencing  Friday, 7 February, 2025

A/Prof. Neil W Savage


A/Prof. Neil W Savage

BDSc (Qld), MDSc (Qld), PhD (Qld), FICD, FFOP (RCPA)

Oral Pathologist and Specialist in Oral Medicine

Associate Professor Neil Savage is registered in the specialties of Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology. He is a member of both the ADA Inc and AHPRA Therapeutics committees and a contributing author to the Therapeutic Guidelines book “Oral and Dental”. His main commitment is in private specialist Oral Medicine practice. Professor Savage is a Consultant in Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology to the RBWH, conducting a weekly Outpatient’s clinic and participating in registrar training as well as undergraduate Dental and Medical students. He is actively involved in diagnostic histopathology reporting through Queensland Medical Laboratory and consults on difficult cases with a number of interstate pathology groups. He also continues teaching commitments at both post-graduate and under-graduate levels as a Reader in Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology at the University of Queensland, School of Dentistry. He has specific clinical and research interests in the management of soft tissue lesions, both conservative and surgical, the use of steroid medications and oral dysaesthesias.

Professional Biography