Dental Events In AUSTRALIA commencing  Monday, 17 February, 2025

Venue Profile

CTEC - Clinical Training and Evaluation Centre

The University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley WA 6009

  • +61-8-6488-8044
Contact Novotel Melbourne on Collins

About CTEC - Clinical Training and Evaluation Centre

The Clinical Training and Evaluation Centre (CTEC) aims to encapsulate the fundamental principles of adult teaching and learning in its wide range of workshops, to create a safe and supportive environment for doctors and nurses to learn and establish surgical and medical skills.

To be recognised as Australasia’s Premier Medical and Surgical Skills Training facility, contributing to enhanced patient safety and quality healthcare outcomes domestically and internationally.

To deliver exceptional and innovative learning experience to multidisciplinary health professionals in pursuit of patient safety and quality healthcare.

CTEC training aims to encapsulate the fundamental principles of adult teaching and learning in its wide range of workshops, to create a safe and supportive environment for doctors and nurses to learn and establish surgical and medical skills. From basic surgical skills to an increasing range of technology-driven advances in medical and surgical procedures and a growing trend in complex and hazardous new procedures, CTEC offers training to supplement traditional clinical-based training for junior doctors and senior consultants. CTEC is acknowledged as a “hub” of medical simulation knowledge and know-how in Australia and the region because of its highly practical approach to medical and surgical skills training.

CTEC is recognised for its holistic approach in the development of training programs, because it is involved in every step of needs analysis and research, workshop design, delivery and evaluation. This ensures that training programs are effective not only in educational terms, but in practical, ethical and financial measures.

CTEC's position within the Medical School at The University of Western Australia is key to our success. CTEC workshops use a range of mechanical, computerised and inanimate tissues to replicate surgical procedures and scenarios. CTEC combines an interactive hospital environment with expert clinical educators. It is an authentic setting in which health professionals can acquire essential clinical and behavioural skills without risk to patients. It offers a world-class environment for surgical and procedural skills training for health professionals.