Advanced Prosthetic Implant Course [All on X]
This event has concluded

From: 8:00 AM
Saturday, 31 August, 2019
To: 5:00 PM
Sunday, 1 September, 2019
Event Details...
This event includes information on the following topics:
The intended audience for this event includes:
Advanced Prosthetic course Fellowship Program
Full Arch Fixed and Removable Implant Prosthetic, including Immediate Load (All-on-X)
Fixed and Removable Implant Prosthetic
Advanced technique exercises to place Implants and to take impressions using various components with edentulous models.
(Freehand and Surgical guide)
For use of standard implants for implant over denture in the mandible with direct/indirect techniques.
Course Topics
- Advanced technique exercises to take impressions using various components
- Implant supported fixed prosthesis for full mouth including all on X
- Implant overdenture in the mandible with direct/indirect techniques
- Conventional and guided protocols
- Temporisation techniques and immediate loading protocols
- Technique exercises to place MiNi implants and direct/indirect Meg Rhein attachments
Course Objectives
- Implant Risk and Preoperative Analysis
- Implant Biomechanics and Occlusion
- Screw Retained vs Cement Retained Prostheses
- Biological and physiological rationale to immediate loading of implant restorations
- Removable options
- Techniques of implant components and overdentures
- Mandibular implant overdentures
- Factors of stress
- Digital guides as surgical stents
Hands on exercises = model based
1. Use of restorative drivers both hand and machine
2. Requisite for ISQ
3. Impression techniques - analog, open tray, closed tray, splinting
4. Fabrication of direct provisional
5. Fabrication of custom healing abutments
6. Ideal torque control and screw preload
7. Cementation techniques = copy and open abutment
Registration Fee: $ 1,900 (excl. GST)
Early-bird Registration: $1,700 (excl. GST) *Payment Confirmed until 11th August 2019
Including in 2-days:
Lectures, 16 CPD points, and Certification
All lecture materials, Components, and Instruments
Lecture book, Notepads, and pens
Morning tea and Afternoon tea, Lunch, coffee & tea
Speakers at this event...

Dr Christopher D Smith
BDSc (Hons) (Qld), MDSc (Prosth) (Syd), Dip.Clin.Dent (Oral Implants), Dip.Clin.Dent (Sedation & Pain Control), FRACDS
- BDSc (Hons University of Queensland 1988
- Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent (Conscious Sedation) Sydney University 1994
- Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent (Oral Implants) Sydney University 1996
- MD...

Venue for Event...
MegaGen Oceania Pty Ltd
Rhodes Corporate ParkSuite 4, Ground Floor, Building B
1 Homebush Bay Drive
AUSTRALIA Phone: +61-2-8054-7000
Event Organiser...
MegaGen Oceania Pty Ltd
Rhodes Corporate ParkSuite 4, Ground Floor, Building B
1 Homebush Bay Drive
AUSTRALIA Phone: +61-2-8054-7000
Speakers at this event...

Dr Christopher D Smith
BDSc (Hons) (Qld), MDSc (Prosth) (Syd), Dip.Clin.Dent (Oral Implants), Dip.Clin.Dent (Sedation & Pain Control), FRACDS- BDSc (Hons University of Queensland 1988
- Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent (Conscious Sedation) Sydney University 1994
- Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent (Oral Implants) Sydney University 1996
- MD...