6 Dental Events found

Monday 10 March
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Hands-on Workshop

6.00 CPD Hours

Contemporary approaches for hard and soft tissue regeneration at teeth...

Optimising traditional grafting with growth f...

Brisbane, AUSTRALIA | Geistlich Pharma Australia Pty Ltd
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Wednesday 12 March
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Hands-on Workshop

6.00 CPD Hours

Contemporary approaches for hard and soft tissue regeneration at teeth...

Optimising traditional grafting with growth f...

Melbourne, AUSTRALIA | Geistlich Pharma Australia Pty Ltd
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Saturday 12 April
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6.00 CPD Hours

A Day with Dani Buser, 35 Years of Guided Bone Regeneration in Implant...

Surgical key factors to achieve successful ou...

Sydney, AUSTRALIA | Geistlich Pharma Australia Pty Ltd
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Monday 04 August
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Hands-on Workshop

6.00 CPD Hours

Contemporary Management of Challenging Dentoalveolar Defects

Dr Markus Troeltzsch

Sydney, AUSTRALIA | Geistlich Pharma Australia Pty Ltd
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Wednesday 06 August
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Hands-on Workshop

6.00 CPD Hours

Contemporary Management of Challenging Dentoalveolar Defects

Dr Markus Troeltzsch

Perth, AUSTRALIA | Geistlich Pharma Australia Pty Ltd
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Friday 22 August
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Hands-on Workshop

3.00 CPD Hours

Mastering Ridge Preservation

Improving Patient Outcomes

Melbourne, AUSTRALIA | Geistlich Pharma Australia Pty Ltd
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